Costs to Trade Platform

The Costs to Trade platform provides information on costs to trade by origin and destination. It shows who the origin/destination countries are, the products being traded, and which structural and policy variables are being implemented. Powered by ISPAR

Non-tariff measures (NTMs) refer to a broad and diverse range of policy measures, such as regulatory measures targeting the protection of health or environment, licensing requirements, subsidies, competition-related policies, trade-related investment, public procurement or distribution restrictions, and export measures. These measures can potentially have a significant economic effect on international trade in goods, changing quantities traded, or prices or both. The impact of NTMs on trade costs is may arguably be even more relevant than tariffs, which have been significantly lowered. This portal features trade costs associated with different NTMs in ad valorem equivalent terms, based on ESCWA estimations.

Which market are you interested in?

Origin (recommended limit 3 countries)
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Destination (recommended limit 3 countries)
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Which products are you interested in?(recommended limit 5 products)

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* Only NTMs with a value are shown

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